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Tips for a successful step challenge

Posted on Mon, Aug 21, 2023

Creating a successful corporate step challenge can be a great way to promote employee wellness, teamwork, and engagement. Here are some tips to help you plan and execute an engaging step challenge for your organization.

Select a relevant theme

Select a theme that is close and relatable to your organization and use it throughout the challenge. On, we can customize maps, badges, and leaderboard goals to adapt to your specific challenge theme.

Check our pre-designed challenges so you can get started with a fully prepared theme with a single click.

Set individual, teams, and/or collective goals

You can set goals on different levels to encourage a healthy competition while at the same time promoting team-building and raising awareness for collective goals where everyone in the organization can contribute to.

Teams can be created in many different ways. You can have teams per country, office location, business unit, allow self-managed teams, or even randomly create teams.

Allow participants to use their favorite fitness tracker or phone

We allow participants to use their favorite fitness tracker or use their phone when they don’t have a fitness tracker. We offer integrations with Apple Health, Samsung Watch, Fitbit, Garmin, and many more.

Optionally, you can allow (or block) manual entry or activity conversions depending on your specific requirements.

Interested in tailor-made advice for your organization?

Reach out to us to learn more about step challenge and how we can help make your step challenge a success.

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